jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Vivid Economy

Yucatán is a state with a vivid, active and moving economy.

Information courtesy of: Eduardo Carrillo, Paola Carrera, Clarissa Pérez, Sinthia Piste and Mariel Vera.

At the end of 2006, the governor Patricio Patrón declared that the growing of the yucatecan economy was over the national average. This proves that Yucatan is a safe place to invest and in progress to beat the marginalization.
More than the %60 of the GDC of the state is formed by the communal, social and personal services in fisrt place, and the tourism and financial servives, insurance and the real estate.
Talking about outer trade, the handcrafts are the %75 of the total exportation. Yucatan’s handcraft production is well known for its handmade high quality. It has a variety of 1 500 handcraft articles to export like furniture, honey, tissues, embroidery, henequen, chocolate, crisps and “soskil” (fiber made of henequen, and as it is biodegradable, it is very attractive for the societies worried about the care of the environment).

The farming has big problems because of the appearance of artificial fibers, which has taken the place of the henequen. Nowadays, we can see a little productive development with the crops for handcraft activities. The main crops of the state are the corn and the bean, and only in the southern part of the state the productions grows because of the mechanization and the characteristics of the land; the sugar cane is used as forage for the animals; another important products are: the orange and other citrus fruits, vegetables and various fruits (avocado, anona, pumpkin, watermelon, pitahaya, mango), some grown in greenhouses and sent to exportation (okra, cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, lemon and passion fruit) .

The livestock sector is represented by the bovine, swine, poultry and beekeeping farming. The fishing sector is located in the ports, like Progreso, Celestún and Yucalpetén, Telchac, Dzilam de Bravo, San Felipe, Río Lagartos and El Cuyo; the main species captured are the snapper, anchovy, sardines, mojarra, snooks, sharks and lobsters). Yucatan has an important forest surface where precious and tropical wood is obtained. The most important industrial activities are the extraction of sea salt in Celestún and the factories of transformation of the henequen.

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