jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Yucatecan Traditions 1

Yucatán is a state with a long history and a society passionate for its traditions.

Informationn courtesy of: Luis Guemez, Johny Martínez, Debbie Lewis y Daniela Hernández.

The Yucatecan Trova


"The Yucatecan Trova" is considered a national treasure, and it is also the result of a literary and musical culture which flourished between 1900 and 1940 in Merida, at which time the serenades and veiled artistic formed an integral part of social life in that city.

This tradition began in Cuba, but it had a parallel development in several Latin American countries like Puerto Rico, Colombia and Mexico. The musical serenades and style of duet singing with rhythm guitar accompaniment at the time were fashionable, and then evolved as a true folk art.

Soaked in the rich romanticism of the late nineteenth century, the troubadour songs combine lyric poetry with the sensual rhythms of the Caribbean, such as the key, bolero and the Colombian bambuco. These are the fundamental rhythms for most of the repertoire of Yucatecan trova.

Every Thursday at 21:00 hours in the Park of Santa Lucia you can delight with the Yucatecan trova music and poetry. Free event.

Hanal Pixán-Day of the Dead

“Hanal Pixán” is the day when the souls arrive to visit their families and enjoy the festivities and their favorite foods! On the evening of the 31st families prepare a feast of the departed’s favorite dishes. A shaman blesses the food and welcomes the souls of the dead.

The morning of November 1st corn on the cob is prepared for the arrival of the souls of the children they have lost. Families and friends set the table and serve the food as an offering. While the souls of the children are eating the family prays at the altar. After which the family will eat breakfast together and prepare a second offering for lunch.

On November 2nd the families place candles in their homes for each soul they have lost, and extra candles for any souls they may have forgotten. These candles guide the adult souls on their arrival. A dinner is prepared for the adult souls, after the souls have finished feasting the living families join the souls and dine together.

In the Yucatan Peninsula the souls visit last for eight days. On the eighth day the friends and families prepare a last feast as a going away party for the loved ones they have lost.

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